An effective method of cleansing the body of parasites at home

We have only to think of the number of parasites that reside in our bodies – there are a lot of videos on the Internet, where everyone will be able to see with your own eyes.


In the first place, of course, the helminths (worms), the presence of which we may not even be suspected, yet the bot does not go into the more difficult stages of the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and other organs, discomfort and ill health is to blame for anything, including the environment.

Why and when to do a cleaning of the organism from parasites

Over the years, our body accumulates a lot of toxins, and the amounts of toxins in the process of vital activity of parasites and slowly poisons him.

Many people do not want to go to the doctors and be aware of the presence of worms, I prefer to clean it yourself.

However, to clean the body from parasites at home, it is not only extremely important, but it requires a specific know-how.

Parasites along with worms, which is known to all, it also includes a variety of fungi, viruses, protozoa, etc., the number is in the tens or hundreds.

And you have to not necessarily live in the digestive tract, the place of the translations of a number of species of any of the body to the heart and the brain.

Its vital functions in the human body, not only is it a part of the nutrients from the food, but it's also the cause of his poisoning by the toxins released by the parasites.

The presence of parasites, in particular worms may show the following symptoms:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, nausea, sometimes constipation and/or diarrhea;
  • a sharp change in body weight (usually down, but sometimes there is an over-weight) the increased or, on the contrary, decreased appetite;
  • a feeling of constant tiredness, weakness, drowsiness, and insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • disorders of the liver and the gall bladder;
  • the drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood until the anemia;
  • The allergy, which was noted most often in the form of a skin rashes;
  • the reduction of the immune defense.
The diagnosis of

However, as has already been mentioned, the helminth species, an incredible amount, and an effective treatment is needed if you want to find out what the type of the parasite in the human body.

No laboratory tests have shown that it is possible, and not always for the first time gives reliable results, so before you start to clean your body, it is highly recommended that you pass the required tests more than once.

It should be remembered that it is the most dangerous worm infections are typically asymptomatic, and only a timely detection can often prevent death.

However, even if the helminthiasis and the risk that this will be fatal the consequences may poison the lives, and in order to get rid of him, by any appropriate means, medical or folk remedies at home.

Where do you start? The first, seeking medical attention, and the delivery of the functional tests. In the second place, when cleaning is necessary, not only for the body, but of the surrounding area, such as the eggs of worms can get out of the dusty carpets and floor coverings, bedding, furniture surfaces, etc., and to maintain their vitality at home.

Also, you need to:

  • carefully follow the steps for your personal hygiene;
  • put items such as meat and fish, sufficient heat processing, and fruits and vegetables, how to wash.

This is, of course, not all of the measures for the prevention of helminthiasis, but they will help to reduce the risk of re-charging.

The method of cleansing the body

Hardly anyone will be able to say with certainty as to what is best to clean, particularly at home.

Drugs that act more rapidly, a lot of them don't accept again, usually with a period of reception is in two weeks, but don't forget about the contraindications and side effects.

Treatment of folk remedies, as a rule of thumb is that you rate from one to several weeks, but it is more subtle.

Prior to the selection of the method of cleansing the body of parasites at home, it is recommended that you watch the recipe, the mode, the possible contra-indications, and to select the one that will be most effective against a certain type of bot is that they are sick of you and your loved ones.


Keep in mind that some of the tools are not appropriate for children, you will need to figure out the precise dosage and dosage regimen and not to change them.

If you find an individual intolerance of any of the assets, treatment of, they will have to stop and select a different one.

The great thing about cleansing your body of parasites, which are Semenova. The candidate of biological Sciences, Nadezhda Semenova is considered to be a folk healer, such as to the differences, the study of the properties of natural foods, plants, herbs, etc, are used in folk medicine for this purpose.

On this basis, it has developed a comprehensive methodology for cleaning the body of parasites, which includes a number of aspects, including a proper diet to eliminate the toxins and the withdrawal of the parasites of the favorable nutrient medium, which is created by the candy, cakes, and other products.

To cleanse to become effective, it is best to switch to a vegan diet with plenty of fluids (at least 2 litres of water a day).

After a precise diagnosis of the type of the bot, the program will be repeated at a time interval which is dependent on the life-cycle of the particular parasite.

He usually dies, but the body is able to stay in its larvae and eggs, which can develop into an adult.

So, of course, it has to be repeated several times at intervals of 18 or 20 months-for example, when the pinworm twice, while ascaride and vlasoglavah, four.


At this moment, there are a lot of drugs against parasites, some of them are effective against some species of worms, for example, either of round or tapeworms, or flukes, and the other having a broad spectrum of activity.

However, it is to be understood that the effectiveness of the treatment, which inevitably causes a negative impact on the body due to the toxicity of the drugs, inherent to a greater or lesser extent.

Therefore, in order to minimize the consequences of helminthiasis, and the drugs, the drugs, the treatment is usually carried out in a comprehensive manner, in three stages: preparation, the actual anti-helminthic, and recovery.

In the complex therapy include to prevent the poisoning of the massive death of the parasites, and thus help to overcome the negative effects of the parasites on the body.

A popular folk remedy

To clean the body of parasites in your home uses a variety of folk remedies, notably the food and the herb with pungent, bitter, and pungent taste, that's exactly what absolutely can't stand, you have to. On the basis of its cathartic effect.


  • Of enemas to miss a few cloves of garlic, through the press, pour a glass of hot water, insist night and in the morning strain, and to do enema. Repeat this for the five (5) days.
  • 0.25 of a Cup of grated horseradish, and minced garlic to the mix, pour 1 liter of water, infuse for 10 days. When, half an hour before meals for 1 tablespoon x 3 times per day.
  • 12 drops of fresh garlic juice diluted in 200 ml of warm milk and take a half-hour before meals, 3 times a day. Of course, there is a 7 days.
  • Peeled clove of garlic into the night, into the anus, in the morning to remove it.

The herbs (wormwood, tansy, cloves, etc.).

  • A mix of dried chopped herbs: tarragon (30 grams), cloves (50 g), and tansy (100 g). It takes a half an hour before eating according to the scheme: day 1: time, 1 to 1 of the tsp, the 2-day – double-1 tsp, 3 to. the day on a three times a day for 1 teaspoon.
  • 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of tansy pour boiling water (1 l), infuse, strain and before meals for 0,5 table spoons x 3 times a day.

Of the barrel.

30 g of baking soda, pour 800 ml of water, and completely dissolved. First of all, do a cleansing enema of 2 liters of plain water, and then introduce a solution of soda, and try to hold a bowel movement for at least half an hour.

At the tomb, again to repeat the cleansing enema with plain water. Repeat this procedure for 7-8 times.

Brandy and castor oil.

Mix 50 ml of brandy and castor oil full of a cup), 2 to 3 days to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. To avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink more water.

Liver cleanse olive oil and lemon juice.

For the preparation of 200 ml of olive oil (warm) and 200 ml of juice squeezed from a ripe lemon. Before going to bed to put the other heating pad every 15 minutes to drink a MOUTHFUL of oil, and the juice. In the morning, together with the secretions of the calm to the bile and many other harmful substances.

(Warning! At present, the available drugs, which are a bit more moderate.)



Cleansing your body from parasites, even in the home, in any case, it will stress, in particular, to increase the release of toxins from the the weight of the death of the worms.

So, the contra-indications for this are many:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, urogenital, and endocrine systems;
  • Oncology;
  • the temporary contraindication of flu and SARS.

Also, if you do not suffer from these diseases, you should consult with your doctor if you have to clean the body of folk remedies.